The forces of injustice do not take vacations. Societies are not static in this regard. They await the political and civic energies of individuals who engage the arenas of power, multiply their numbers and emblazon in deeds and institutions the ... "Star Wars in Iraq" is a new investigative report by Maurizio Torrealta and Sigfrido Ranucci. The document takes off from the disturbing eyewitness report from Majid Al Ghezali, first violinist of the Baghdad Orchestra, ...
[Anti-American Italian "documentarian" Sigfrido] Ranucci says..."When Saddam used [white phosphorus] it was a chemical weapon, but when the Americans use it, it's a conventional weapon. The injuries it inflicts, however, ...
lazio region launches photographic promotional initiative - the tourism councillor of the lazio region, raffaele ranucci, has presented the ?scatta il lazio? (take a snapshot of lazio) competition, ?with which tourists are invited to ...